
电话:+86 8581016
2009/09 - 2014/06:新疆大学材料物理化学理学博士
2006/09 - 2009/06: 新疆大学无机化学理学硕士
1999/09 - 2003/06: 新疆大学化学工程与工艺工学学士
1. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目,2013211B004,几种席夫碱类光致变色化合物的理论研究,2013/01-2015/12,5万元,已结题,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金项目,21162029,吡唑啉酮类光致变色化合物的量子化学研究,2012/01-2015/12,52万元,已结题,参加
1. 2016 年获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖奖励名称:吡唑啉酮希夫碱类化合物的合成及光化学性能 获奖排名:6/7
研究成果: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Yinhua Li, Jixi Guo*, Anjie Liu, Dianzeng Jia*, Xueyan Wu, Yi Chen, Synthesis, mechanism and efficient modulation of fluorescence dye by photochromic pyrazolone with energy transfer in crystalline state, RSC Advances, 2017,7(16) 9847-9853.
(2) Fengjuan Chen, Dianzeng Jia*, Xuekun Jin, Yali Cao, Anjie Liu, A general method for the synthesis of graphene oxide-metal sulfide composites with improved photocatalytic activities, Dyes and Pigments, 2016, 125, 142-150.
(3) Fengjuan Chen, Yali Cao, Dianzeng Jia*, Anjie Liu, Solid-state synthesis of ZnS/graphene nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Dyes Pigments, 2015, 120(1), 8-14.
(4)Anjie Liu, Dianzeng Jia*, Dongling Wu, Lang Liu, Jixi Guo, A theoretical study on the photochromic mechanism of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4- (6-hydro -4-amino -5-sulfo-2, 3-pyrazine)-pyrazole-5-one, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2014, 33(6): 821-829.
(5) Anjie Liu, Yinling Yang, Dianzeng Jia*, Dongling Wu, Lang Liu, Jixi Guo, Theoretical studies on the conformation and coordination of N-(1-phenyl-3- methyl-4- propenylidene-5-pyrazolone)-salicylidene, Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, 2013, 12(5).
(6) Dongling Wu, Dianzeng Jia*, Anjie Liu, Lang Liu, Jixi Guo, Theoretical study on the reactivity of Lewis pairs PR3/B(C6F5)3 (R = Me, Ph, tBu, C6F5), Chem. Phys. Lett., 2012, 541: 1-6.
(7) Yinling Yang, Dongling Wu, Dianzeng Jia*, Lang Liu, Anjie Liu, New Insight Into the Photochromic Mechanism of 1,3-Diphenyl-4-(4- fluoro) benzal-5- pyrazolone N(4)-phenyl Semicarbazone, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2011, 111(5): 1048-1054.
(8) Anjie Liu, Dongling Wu, Dianzeng Jia*, Lang Liu, Theoretical studies on geometry, solvent effect, and photochromic mechanism of two bis-Heterocyclic compounds containing pyrazolone ring, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2010, 110(7): 1360-1367.
(9) Dongling Wu, Dianzeng Jia*, Lang Liu, Anjie Liu, Conformation and Coordination of 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzal-5-pyrazolone thiosemicarbazone: A Density Functional Study, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2009, 109(4): 1341-1347.